
Direct Hotel Booking
Tourist Office Schladming Dachstein

Our Partner hotels & camp site

Prices per person & night incl. breakfast buffet:
€ 99,00 double room per person
€ 109,00 single room
€ 16,- supplement for half-board

Price per person & night incl. breakfast buffet:
€ 198,- 3-bedroom
€ 142,- 2-bedroom
€ 98,- single room
€ 35,- supplement for half-board (evening meal)

Price per person & night incl. breakfast buffet
€77,00 double room per person
€ 90,00 single room

Appartements for 2-10 Personen from € 99,00 pro person and night incl. breakfast and Sommercard.

Prices per person & night incl. breakfast and Summercard:

€ 85,00 double room per person
€ 110,00 single room

Prices per person & night incl. Summercard:
€ 82,00 double room pro person
€ 142,50 single room
€ 76,50 3 bedroom per person
With the voucher code “Alpentour” there is a 10% discount

Pitch caravan + car or mobile home
including 5 kWh electricity / night
€ 38,50 for 1 person
€ 65,00 for 2 persons
Bookings by e-mail, stating the voucher code “Alpentour” there is a 10% discount


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